Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “evolution”
Terlipressin and hyponatraemia
In this post… The evolution of the vasopressin system
How can one hormone regulate two physiological parameters (tonicity and blood pressure)?
Why does terlipressin not always cause profound hyponatraemia? “Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.”
— WH Auden
Does terlipressin cause hyponatraemia? We had a patient with hepatorenal syndrome on the unit recently. Her sodium was 125 mM and I found myself wondering - as I always do in such a patient - whether terlipressin could be contributing.
Filtration-reabsorption: the central renal paradox
In this post… How the kidney evolved to filter first and reabsorb later
How we came to know how the kidney works in this way It is so obvious! ‘One never notices what has been done; one can only see what remains to be done.’
— Marie Curie
As facts become established dogma, it becomes almost impossible to conceive of a time when they were not known. How could we have not known about natural selection before Darwin?